Friday, March 28, 2014

Sexual Misconduct

Buddhism doesn't say anything about gay that being practiced by a few laities. Gay is also forbidden to be accepted as a monk. One day a monk said to Buddha, "we got a gay in our sangha", Buddha replied, "tell him to go."

Buddhism also doesn;t say anything about polygami Sidhatta Gautama himself practicing polygamy before becaming Buddha.

But it is clear to be known that sexual misconduct is not about one has marriage ceremony or not. If two persons love each other and they not married for their sexual needs, thats not a sexual misconduct.
Buddhism however says about 20 women that forbidden to be touched as part of practicing no sexual misconduct, one of them is "a girl that protected by local law", that means, if locality insist a marriage ceremony, then the couple must not live at that area, if they have an ideal that sex doesn;t depend on ceremony.

20 types of women a Buddhist is exhorted not to consort with:
1. A woman under the protection of her mother.
2. A woman under the protection of her father.
3. A woman under the protection of both father and mother.
4. A woman under the protection of her brother
5. A woman under the protection of her sister.
6. A woman under the protection of her relations.
7. A woman under the protection of her family.
8. A woman protectecd by customary law, e.g. nuns of religious orders, or a girl pledged or betrothed to any cause.
9. A woman who has a special guardian - this may be her own husband, or some other special guardian.
10. A woman, by whose use, one renders himself liable to punishment. For example, a king orders that a certain woman is not to be used, or that the women of certain village or clan, are not to be used.
11. A woman bought by a man for certain sum of money.
12. A woman who lives with her husband, of her own choice, e.g. as a mistress, having fallen in love with him.
13. A woman who lives with a man in order that she might get her food from him, and is protected by him.
14. A woman who lives with a man so that she may obtain clothing from him.
15. A woman who prepares the food of a man e.g. cook-woman who lives with him as a wife.
16. A woman who works hard collecting firewood, or other heavy weights, is relieved of this hardship by a man who takes her on as his wife. Such a woman is also thus protected.
17. A slave-wife who works in the house, and is also the man's wife.
18. A woman who does the household work, goes shopping etc - a type of house-keeper wife or, servant-wife.
19. A woman brought after capture in battle - only the man who captured her, can have her for wife.
20. Lastly, comes a temporary wife,: this is, a woman who is kept by a man for a time. As long as this man maintains her as his wife, another cannot use her.

The Parabhava Sutta:
"Pray, O Blessed One, tell us the ninth cause of one's downfall".
Verse 18: "Not contented with one's own wives, if one is seen amongst courtesans and the wives of others - this is the cause of one's downfall'.
Note the plural form of the word "wives" - once again an indication that polygamy was acceptable by the Buddha to be practiced by laities.

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