Friday, March 28, 2014

Dasa Parami

10 Perfections To Be An Anagami

10 Perfections Before Practicing Anagami Magga (a sakadagami cannot become Anagami if he doesn't have these, even if he did satipatthana)::

1. Dana.
- The gift of material things.
- The gift of preaching
- The gift of safety or security.

2. Sila.
Doing rules and precepts.

3. Nekkhama.
Forms cognizable by the eye are not belong to him, it is domain of demon.
Sounds cognizable by the ear are not belong to him, it is domain of demon.
Aromas cognizable by the nose are not belong to him, it is domain of demon.
Flavors cognizable by the tongue are not belong to him, it is domain of demon.
Tactile sensations cognizable by the body are not belong to him, it is domain of demon.
Thoughts cognizable by the mind are not belong to him, it is domain of demon.

4. Panna.
Suttamaya panna: Wisdom through learning.
Cintamaya panna: Wisdom through reflections.
Bhavanamaya panna: Wisdom through cultivation.

5. Viriya.
- the gift of no new defilements.
- the gift of destruction of old defilements.
- the gift of finding new wholesome states.
- the gift of strong wholesome states.
Viriya being obtained from investigation of a sakadagami.

6. Khanti.
Forbereance (capacity of endurance to handle inconvenience).

7. Sacca.
10 ponts that you should not use as standard of truth:
1. Stories.
2. Traditions.
3. News.
4. Holy books.
5. Logically correct.
6. Philosophically correct.
7. Your own Intellect.
8. Opinions.
9. Someone who has good social status.
10. Your teacher.
4 points that you should use as standard of truth:
1. It is proved correct.
2. It is proved beneficial.
3. It is confirmed by Anagami-Arahants monks.
4. It keep cultivating merit and happiness.

8. Adhitthana.
- Resolution to earn sotapatti magga.
- Resolution to earn sotapatti phala. 
- Resolution to earn sakadagami magga. 
- Resolution to earn sadagami phala. 
- Resolution to earn anagami magga. 
- Resolution to earn anagami magga. 
- Resolution to earn arahant magga.
- Resolution to earn arahant phala.
By purifying oneself one saves the world.

9. Metta.
Love without bound.

10. Upekkha.
It means not lax and not exacting.

Bad kamma that relate with that list also hold someone from achieving anagami phala. Check if in your life you ever done bad things that the opposite of that list. If so, that means you have to wait till you meet events that cleanse your kamma, then you can continue again your practice of anagami magga (kayanupassana, vedananupassana, cittanupassana)_if you are an anagami magga now_ to reach Anagami Phala level.

To be an Anagami Phala, a monk still use good kamma, but good kamma cannot be used anymore when he want to be Arahant later. There are four types of kamma:
1. Black kamma, black result.
2. White kamma, white result.
3. Kamma both black and white, result both black and white.
4. Kamma neither black nor white, result neither black nor white, this being the kamma that ends kamma.
Arahant magga monk uses number 4 kamma to become Arahant.

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