Friday, March 28, 2014

Virtue, Merit, and Charism

Some virtues also gives merits.

Virtue (SILA) means, good things that we do inside us:
1. Dāna parami: generosity, giving of oneself.
2. Sīla parami: morality, proper conduct.
3. Nekkhamma parami : renunciation.
4. Paññā parami: wisdom.
5. Viriya parami: energy.
6. Khanti parami: forbearance.
7. Sacca parami: truthfulness, honesty.
8. Adhitthana (bodhicitta) parami: resolution.
9. Mettā parami: love without relationship.
10. Upekkhā parami: Not lax and not exacting.

Merit (PUNNA) means, good things that have influence outside us:
1. Giving (dānamayam puññakiriyavatthu)
2. Morality (sīlamayam puññakiriyavatthu)
3. Mental development (bhāvanāmayam puññakiriyavatthu)

Charism (PHALA) means, good things that has transformed one's consciousness:
A. Non-Ariyan Monk's charism:
1. Equanimity (upekkha)
2. Fearlessness (nibbhaya)
3. Freedom from unhappiness & suffering (Asukhacaadukkha)
4. Meditative Absorption (jhana/samādhi)
5. Out-of-body experience(Manomaya)
6. Clairaudience(dibba-sota)
7. Intuition and mental telepathy (ceto-pariya-ñána)
8. Recollection of past lives (Patisandhi)
9. Clairvoyance(dibba-cakkhu)
10. Ends anxiety & mental agitation (nibbana)
B. Ariyan Monk's charism:
1. A monk who do the practice of stream-entry (Sotapatti-magga)
2. A monk who has result of stream-entry (Sotapatti-phala)
3. A monk who practice the path of once-returning (Sakadagami-magga)
4. A monk who has result of once-returning (Sakadagami-phala)
5. A monk who practice the path of non-returning (Anagami-magga)
6. A monk who has result of non-returning (Anagami-phala)
7. A monk who practice the path of perfect bhikkhu (Arahant-magga)
8. A monk who has result of perfect bhikkhu (Arahant-phala).

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